
Swedish Massage

The “classic massage”.  Hands on, full body treatment to bring balance and a sense of wellbeing.

Benefits include:

  • Improved mobility and movement in the body
  • Calm, relaxed yet energised feeling
  • Relaxation of tight overworked muscles and joints
  • Waking up tired areas of the body
  • Better sleep
  • Increased blood and lymphatic circulation
  • Aids removal of toxins from the tissues
  • Improved digestion
  • ….and many more for each individual.

Deep Tissue Techniques

For “problem” areas of tension.
Identifies and treats specific areas of muscle and soft tissue tension.
Benefits include:

  • Relief for deeper layers of muscle
  • Can target pain and altered sensation* caused by tightness
  • Release for improved mobility, movement in the body
  • Can address postural difficulties with appropriate aftercare advice
  • Trigger point therapy: specific “releasing” technique
  • Specialised techniques for pseudo sciatica, i.e. where sciatica is caused by muscle and soft tissue tightness in the buttocks. (This treatment is not suitable for sciatica caused by impingement at the spinal nerve roots. Medical advice must be sought for this)

* sensation such as tingling, numbness, burning, itching.  These symptoms may indicate a medical problem therefore GP or specialist consultation is recommended prior to treatment

Massage for Arthritis and Degenerative Disease

It can be extremely beneficial for people with long term conditions to receive regular massage to aid:

  • Muscular and soft tissue problems associated with their illness
  • Relief and comfort in advancing disease
  • Prevention of ‘flare ups’ of many symptoms including arthritis and anxiety
  • Mobility and independence for daily living

Indian Head Massage

From the Ayurvedic tradition of India.
Incorporates shoulders, neck and head including the face.
Benefits include:

  • Relieves tension
  • Balancing for the mind and body
  • Calming

Pregnancy Massage

Available Prenatally in 2nd and 3rd Trimesters

Great for

  • relaxation
  • relief for painful joints, aching muscles and sciatic nerve pain
  • reduce nausea and heartburn symptoms
  • reduction in stress hormones
  • reduce swollen feet and ankles
  • improved sleep and comfort in bed
  • improved mood and energy

On-Site Chair Massage

I have a massage chair to provide on-site treatments.
Great ‘quick fix’ for an office environment.

  • Calming yet energising treatment through clothes
  • Can be tailored to individual needs and preferences
  • Also suitable for those who are unable to lie down, e.g those with breathing difficulties

Swedish Massage

The “classic massage”.  Hands on, full body treatment to bring balance and a sense of wellbeing.

Benefits include:

  • Improved mobility and movement in the body
  • Calm, relaxed yet energised feeling
  • Relaxation of tight overworked muscles and joints
  • Waking up tired areas of the body
  • Better sleep
  • Increased blood and lymphatic circulation
  • Aids removal of toxins from the tissues
  • Improved digestion
  • ….and many more for each individual.

Deep Tissue Techniques

For “problem” areas of tension.
Identifies and treats specific areas of muscle and soft tissue tension.
Benefits include:

  • Relief for deeper layers of muscle
  • Can target pain and altered sensation* caused by tightness
  • Release for improved mobility, movement in the body
  • Can address postural difficulties with appropriate aftercare advice
  • Trigger point therapy: specific “releasing” technique
  • Specialised techniques for pseudo sciatica, i.e. where sciatica is caused by muscle and soft tissue tightness in the buttocks. (This treatment is not suitable for sciatica caused by impingement at the spinal nerve roots. Medical advice must be sought for this)

* sensation such as tingling, numbness, burning, itching.  These symptoms may indicate a medical problem therefore GP or specialist consultation is recommended prior to treatment

Massage for Arthritis and Degenerative Disease

It can be extremely beneficial for people with long term conditions to receive regular massage to aid:

  • Muscular and soft tissue problems associated with their illness
  • Relief and comfort in advancing disease
  • Prevention of ‘flare ups’ of many symptoms including arthritis and anxiety
  • Mobility and independence for daily living

Indian Head Massage

From the Ayurvedic tradition of India.
Incorporates shoulders, neck and head including the face.
Benefits include:

  • Relieves tension
  • Balancing for the mind and body
  • Calming

Pregnancy Massage

Available for 2nd and 3rd Trimester prenatally.
Benefits include:

  • relaxation
  • reduce nausea and heartburn symptoms
  • improved sleep and comfort in bed
  • reduction in stress hormones
  • improved mood and energy
  • relief for painful joints, aching muscles and sciatic nerve pain
  • reduce swollen feet and ankles

On-Site Chair Massage

I have a massage chair to provide on-site treatments.
Great ‘quick fix’ for an office environment.

  • Calming yet energising treatment through clothes
  • Can be tailored to individual needs and preferences
  • Also suitable for those who are unable to lie down, e.g. those with breathing difficulties